Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday 3.28.12

Busy night. Josh R helped open and get a tube patched on a neighbors bike, her Dad offering donation for/and walking out with a Murray mountain bike.

John Periwinkel stepped in and helped out through the night. Bill Root too. Scot Wilson tended to his ride. We had other folks patching, overhauling all over the place.

Another donation was made to the city. Gearing up for a Spring order from J&B.

A nice new sign on the door states our hours incorrectly, nothing a pencil can't solve.

Many many many bikes are cluttered through the stock room. Bikes stored behind the coop are taken, so it's understandable that bikes with potential would be stuffed in the stock room.

What if we created an incentive for volunteers to upgrade our immense stock of bikes w potential?
-Mike Turner

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday 3.21.12

Easy night. 

Carl stepped in nicely to help out.

Job and John Periwinkel came in and worked on back bikes.

Roopa and Kwesh came in for a tube. Kwesh for a tire, as well.

Alia, Soloman, Jennifer, Trinity and Jua stopped in on their way down old Bunkerhill Road.

One Brookland neighbor, hearing about the coop by word of mouth, stopped in for the first time to strip a beat-up mountain bike..intending to scrap the aluminum frame, and made pretty quick work.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mt. Rainier Bike Coop seeks new volunteers!

The Mount Rainier Bike Coop will host two events on March 29 and April 1 for the purposes of new volunteer recruitment. Enthusiastic people of all ages (under-18s: please bring your adult!) and skill levels are welcome - anyone interested in using bicycles for community enrichment and fun.

Here's what we offer:

-The joy of volunteerism in an endearingly strange, purposeful environment

-A fully operational bicycle station: tools, stands, grease, bikes, and used parts galore

-A community of novice and veteran volunteers willing to teach, support, and have a good time

-Eventually, opportunities to open your own shop and work at the Coop on your own time

Here's what we ask of you:

-Some base level of appreciation for bikes and the diverse group of people who use them.

-At least one hour a month dedicated to volunteerism at the Coop.


3601 Bunker Hill Road

Mount Rainier, MD 20712


March 29th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

April 1st from 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Wear clothes you can get dirty! Snacks and beverages will be provided.


Mount Rainier Bike Coop

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday 3.14.12

Mike Turner opened up a little early for a change, showing the place to his visiting cousin, Paul, who helped turn a few wrenches himself.

Three operations quickly commenced outside. John Stith was figuring his rear derailleur. Ebrehem, and Josh were cranking out there, too.

Roopa came in to eliminate a squeak in her pedal cranking. We removed the cranks and the bottom bracket seemed smooth enough, so we put it back together and the squeaking was still there! The petals seem fine. Looking forward to figuring it out.

Grady came in to true his wheel.

Argentina George came in to replace brake cable, replace housing, and we trued his rear wheel a little bit which produced that jolt of liberation that happens when someone learns the incredibly accessible physics of wheel truing!

Job's coworker from the pet store came through to see what beach cruisers are available.

John Periwinkel came in with two German friends and was incredibly helpful to the shop for the 2 hours.

Dave Cahill dropped in and was incredibly helpful as Union Station Jenn came in to try out and offer a nice-sized donation for the sweet relaxed old orange road bike with cruiser bars.

Monday, March 12, 2012

FullMoon!PicnicCruise! March2012

Thursday, March 8th, was a beautifully warm evening after a very warm day. There were many clouds, high on the horizon, so the full moon gathering didn't see our glowing subject at our 7:30 departure for our nighttime picnic destination of Lake Artemesia, College Park.

Just before we departed, 2 riders left, for they had waited long enough -since 7. Later, it was learned that another rider missed the ride because they expected it to leave at 8. A lesson is being presented, perhaps to be more explicit about departure time and the ever-necessarily long gathering time.

Among us were new riders Heidi, Caitlin, Emmanuel, Olga and Zoe. Josh brought Zoe, his daughter, and Heidi, a neighbor he met at the grocery store. Job brought Emmanuel and Olga, but Job couldn't make it out. There were about 10 in all.

We swept over Rhode Island at 37th, left on Perry, right on 38th, that very charged left onto Cottage Terrace and we ran into another rider setting out for us who busted a U-ey and jumped right in!

We connected to our wonderful asset, the Anacostia trail -which Maryland has announced funding for connecting with DC's River Trail. Finally! Greenbelt to Navy Yard will soon be very well connected!

We headed towards Greenbelt, making that sharp left at the steep, gravely hill. Cruising through that first spot of woods, then that roller coaster drop of a swift decline, the chirps of the frog chorus beckon from the wooded pond on the left -just after the Mulberry tree Phil Koopman likes to favor. Those frogs are starting early!

We just sweep up through Riverdale comfortably, with the wind pushing from behind on that straight and high stretch of the levee.

We made it to the unlit park of Artemesia and commenced to snack. Zoe crashed in her Dad's lap as we talked so much about food, while sharing candy, grog, hard-boiled eggs, sesame snack. This area is good for others to break away and soak in the moon away from the horde, and the moon was shining it's yellow onto the rims of our earthly clouds.

We rode back, against some wind, after hanging and eating for an hour, and made it back around 9:30. Good fun! Plenty of cruising on this one, and neighbors encountering eachother, while making space on our streets for bikes and enjoying darkened trail space together. Not bad!

Looks like the next full moon will be Friday, April 6th...

Web Site

Our Website is currently down temporarily.

Please check out our Blog page here for current hours, posted on the right hand side.



Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wed 7th March

Yikes ! What a busy night - around 16 people in for help, must be the weather ;)

A lot of new faces (to me) on Mike night plus some familiar ones also. Michael came in and with some help bought a hybrid bike, helmet, lights and a lock - fully equipped for riding!

Ginny also came in looking for a commuter bike for her small frame and may have picked one but will be back next week to decide for sure.

Got a great load of help from Jessie, Rosie, Job, Eliz,  Josh, Bill & Scott and they were needed, thx guys.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Mon 5th March

A chilly night outside but warm and bustling inside. Emmanual came in to get his brakes fixed and ended up learning how to true a wheel as well, courtesy of our potential new volunteer Rosie, who's also looking to move to our awesome town soon, so if you know any group housing situations get in touch.

Job fixed up donation after working on his bike and took it for a spin in the parking lot as a test ride, found that the left pedal needed changing so diid that & added a kickstand - so ready to go.

Will and myself helped out on some other bikes and helped a new visitor change a tube on her wheel and says she'll join us Thurs for our Full Moon Ride, which looks to be a warmer night!

that's all folks