Friday, July 22, 2011

The mount rainier bike coop will be the cooling station tonight. Wear swimming gear, stand in our sprinkler while listening to the records play, eat the grilled goods, listen to the band strike the notes, you can dance if you want to, in the sprinkler, fall in love, we'll chill to a movie screening of Triplets of Bellville by like 10, then the person you've kept an eye on is going to want to make out with you.
Tonight starting at 6. 3601 Bunkerhill RD, Mt Rainier MD.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wimmin and girls night!

Ladies, wimmin, girls -come out, fix up your bike and help others and have fun! This Thursday, July 14th from 7-9.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"It's good for the laws to change according to the movements of people" -a thought inspired by the bike exceptions to one-ways popping up throughout dc.
New coop member, Baton Rouge Brian of DC's Urban Forestry Administration. Welcome!! It was good adjusting brakes with you today. I hope you find some fun on your route through the city. See you again, soon!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Party

We Coop volunteers generally have three things on our collective mind: bikes, community, and fun. Help us cash in big on all three July 22nd!

Rustle up your favorite barbecue/potluck comestibles and pedal down for an all-ages evening of grilling and chilling at 3601 Bunker Hill. Throw some brats on the carnivore barby or a couple portabello caps at the veggie station (or a few beanbags in the games area out front). Enjoy the eclectic spinnery of DJ Mike Turner, and live music from local accordion/brass ensemble milkmachine. Oh, you want to hear a little about our work at the Coop? We'll have an information table set up and staffed.

Come one, come all! Bring your family, your mechanic, your pet ferret, your local representative!

Find us here:​s?q=Mount+Rainier+Bike+Co-​op%2C+3601+Bunker+Hill+Roa​d%2C+Mount+Rainier%2C+MD+2​0712&hl=en&ll=38.939434%2C​-76.957705&spn=0.010081%2C​0.016544&sll=38.941119%2C-​76.957684&sspn=0.080644%2C​0.132351&z=16

Wednesday, July 6, 2011